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Will I Ever Hike Again After a Broken Ankle

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What To Do After An Ankle Fracture

What To Do After An Ankle Fracture

So you fell and twisted your ankle and your foot swelled up like a balloon. You find out you have an ankle fracture and you're sidelined for 4-6 weeks in a cast. Time goes by, you see the doctor and he says the bone is healed, you're good to go! You get the cast removed, but you realize your calf is shriveled up and tiny compared to the other side. Even worse, it hurts to move your foot, your ankle feels weak, you can't even put weight on your foot, now what?! In this article, we will detail exactly what an ankle fracture is and some excellent exercises to jump-start your rehab when you get your cast off. Learn all about what to do after an ankle fracture!

What Is An Ankle Fracture?

A broken ankle, also referred to as an ankle fracture, is typically a break in the distal fibula or tibia bone at the ankle joint, which are the bones located in the lower leg on the outside and inside respectively. Ankle fractures typically occur from falls that involve twisting of the foot, awkward landings, and contact sports injuries. Ankle fractures can range from being simple to complex, whether it be just an isolated medial or lateral malleolus fracture or an ankle dislocation with a bi/trimalleolar fracture. You can learn more about the type and severity of ankle fractures here

Learn How To Improve Ankle Mobility After A Fracture!

How Do I know If I Broke My Ankle? Should I Get An X-Ray?

ankle fracture the prehab guys

Maybe you stumbled upon this article because you just hurt your ankle and you're trying to decide if you should seek medical attention or not. Well, you've come to the right place! This is a really good question, so good that researchers decided to figure out who should and who shouldn't get x-rays to save the health care system some money. The Ottawa Ankle Rules concluded the following ankle x-ray screening questions…

  1. Can you take 4 steps (it is okay if you need to limp)? NO? –> GET AN X-RAY
  2. Do you have tenderness/pain around your medial or lateral malleoli (the little bone bumps on either side of your ankle)? Specifically the backside of the bones? YES? –> GET AN X-RAY

In regards to if you possibly have a bone fracture in your foot…

  1. Do you have tenderness/pain around the base of the 5th metatarsal (bump on the lateral/outside portion of your foot; halfway between your heel and your little toe)? YES? –>GET AN X-RAY
  2. Do you have tenderness/pain around the navicular bone (bump on the medial/inside portion of your foot?) YES> –>GET AN X-RAY


x-ray after ankle sprain the prehab guys

So I Broke My Ankle, Now What?

ankle cast the prehab guys

It sucks to be stuck in a cast for 4-6 weeks. However, that doesn't mean you have to be completely sedentary. Now we aren't saying you have to lift weights and use cardio equipment with only one leg, but don't just sit on your butt on the couch for a month! Technically you can still do upper body exercises and even train your other leg.

Moreover, our foot/ankle is influenced by our kinetic chain, meaning the joints, muscles, and body regions above it! We always preach that it is important to treat the entire body part, not sure the body part that was injured. Exercising on some proximal musculature and joints, including our knees and hips for example can help optimize post-operative outcomes!

Exercises After An Ankle Fracture: Stay Strong In A Boot!

The common concerns are that you will be lop-sided and create asymmetries/imbalances if you only train your other leg. That is false! If anything training your other leg can lead to something called the crossover effect, helping to maintain the size and strength of your other leg! This is a crucial part of what to do after an ankle fracture.

So I Got My Cast Off After My Ankle Fracture, Now What?

cast off foot the prehab guys

Getting your cast off can feel like the most glorious day ever. However, your calf and ankle may not be the prettiest sight, it may look extra skinny with dead skin. Even worse, your foot may be swollen and really STIFF. Don't fret, we are going to teach you how to get your ankle and foot moving again and using it as much as you can! In regards to your skin, take a well-earned bath/shower and use lotion to nourish the skin.

Swelling is inevitable. The ankle is a distal joint and is more prone to prolonged swelling. That is Ok! What is important is to combat that post-operative swelling with early mobility. The more that you are able to move the ankle once you are able to after surgery, the more that you can promote overall circulation as well as blood flow back towards the heart. We discuss this below with a hallmark exercise of ankle pumps, preferably elevated.

You can also listen to our podcast with Taryn on living well with lymphedema, as she discusses everything about the lymphatic system, as well as how to maintain a healthy lymphatic system. This podcast is full of excellent information related to the lymph, as well as how swelling may occur, and what you can do to combat the negative effects of swelling!


living well with lymphedema the prehab guys

Have You Recently Fractured Your Ankle?

foot ankle program ankle fracture the prehab guys

If you have recently fractured or injured your ankle, we have the perfect program to get you back to 100%! The Foot & Ankle [P]Rehab Program is a physical therapist developed, step-by-step program that teaches you how to optimize your foot & ankle health. This 3-phase program will expose you to various foot & ankle strengthening and stabilization exercises supported by science. This program will bulletproof this region for anything life throws at you! Learn more HERE!

What To Do After An Ankle Fracture: Range Of Motion Exercises

With your average non-complicated ankle fracture, gentle introduction to range of motion exercises in every direction is exactly what your ankle wants and needs. Below you will find multiple videos to help get your ankle moving again, with great exercises after an ankle fracture!

Ankle Pumps

Sample Ankle Fracture [P]Rehab Program Exercise

Ankle pumps are a great exercise to start immediately as previously discussed to reduce swelling as well as promote early range of motion. Mike is using a plinth to elevate his leg in this video; however, at home you can use pillows underneath your foot to elevate it!

Ankle Alphabets

Sample Ankle Fracture [P]Rehab Program Exercise

With this exercise, early on after the surgery, your full range of motion will not be what it used to be. Do NOT be discouraged! What is important is to avoid compensations early on. For instance, one big compensation we see is individuals will move their hip joint into internal and external rotation when trying to perform active inversion and eversion of the foot/ankle complex. Really focus on JUST using your foot/ankle joints and avoiding compensatory movements up the chain. Do not fear, movement will come with time!

Ankle Circles

Calf Stretch With Strap

Sample Ankle Fracture [P]Rehab Program Exercise

The calf complex normally becomes tight after being in a cast and boot for a long period of time.

Gas Pedals

Ankle Pull-Ups

Sample Ankle Fracture [P]Rehab Program Exercise

Toe Spreads

Toe Curls

Sample Ankle Fracture [P]Rehab Program Exercise

Weight Shifts

Closing Thoughts

Some ankle fractures take longer than others to fully recover. It can take a really long time, even up to a year, for your ankle to feel back to 100% normal like it did prior to the injury if it was a complicated fracture. You can read about concepts of tissue healing HERE! This is especially true in regards to ankle mobility, strength, balance, and being able to support all of your weight through that foot and ankle in various positions. The bottom line is you have to be patient, remind yourself of how far you've come compared to day 1 of having your cast on. You can implement some of the concepts here when first starting to perform exercises after an ankle fracture. If you continue to have significant limitations and pain with your ankle, it may be in your best interest to seek help from a physical therapist. You can click here to learn more about what to expect in PT.

[P]Rehab Your Ankles To Avoid Injury!

foot program the prehab guys

The 12 Week Foot & Ankle Prehab Program is a step-by-step program to help you minimize pain and optimize foot & ankle function. It will teach you how to build a strong foundation for your foot & ankle by bulletproofing your entire leg to enhance your fitness performance and progress. Learn more HERE!


  1. Bachmann LM, Kolb E, Koller MT, Steurer J, ter Riet G. Accuracy of Ottawa ankle rules to exclude fractures of the ankle and mid-foot: systematic review. BMJ. 2003;326:417

Disclaimer – The content here is designed for information & education purposes only and is not intended for medical advice.

About the author : Craig Lindell PT, DPT, CSCS


  1. Sherri Miller October 25, 2019 at 8:21 am - Reply

    YOur site is awesome to understand the fracture and exercise videos to enhance my workout!


    • Happy that it has helped you!!!!

  2. KRIS CHUNG June 30, 2020 at 10:56 pm - Reply

    Hi – thank you so much for these videos. Do we wait till the ankle is completely pain free before doing these exercises or it is okay to do these exercise when you are going through the healing process?

    • Sherif Elnagger July 22, 2020 at 9:46 am - Reply

      You're welcome! Thank you for the great question. It is ok to start exercising with minimal discomfort in the ankle, and that may be the case when you perform certain exercises after an ankle fracture. Usually, as long as the pain is minimal and tolerable, and it returns to your baseline after you finish exercise, you know you are at the right dosage, frequency, and intensity. Sometimes, your body may tell you you did a bit too much one day, which is OK. We all have these days. Furthermore, it is encouraged to always understand your weight bearing precautions after your fracture with clearance from your healthcare provider as to when you can start weight bearing as well as what exercises you are allowed to perform. Best of luck!

  3. Andrew November 12, 2020 at 6:28 am - Reply

    Great videos and commentary!

  4. Andre M. December 27, 2020 at 7:41 pm - Reply

    Hi. I found your article through a Google search. I slipped and fell on my stairs at home. I thought it was a sprain, but it was swollen and I could not put any weight on it. I decided to go to urgent care to get an x-ray. Diagnosis: nondisp fx of lateral malleolus of right fibula (my driving foot :( ). After leaving urgent care with a splint and crutches (and referral to orthopedic doctor), it was beginning to dawn on me how many adjustments I will have to make to recover, including workouts.

    Your post gives me hope that I will be able to do something. (I am eager to make a full recovery, so I will do whatever the orthopedic doctor tells me.) Thank you.

    • Sherif Elnaggar December 28, 2020 at 10:55 am - Reply

      Hello! Very sorry to hear about your injury. At this point, you are making all of the right steps, and we wish you the best with your recovery process!!! If you need anything further from us to help facilitate your recovery, feel free to email us at!

  5. Michael folczynski January 12, 2021 at 6:28 am - Reply

    Thank you for your site. I broke my ankle December 3rd, 2 surgeries and a hard cast later, my ankle is now wrapped with an ace and I'm wearing a boot. I was given the go ahead to do range of motion, flexing and 50% weight bearing. Your site has shed light on what will help progress my healing. Thank you for giving clear demonstrations/descriptions of how to improve my ankle mobility through the healing process.

    • Hey Michael, thank you for the kind words and we're super glad we were able to help you out in any way! We wish you best of luck with your recovery! Once you no longer have any post-op precautions, you may want to consider our foot & ankle program!

  6. Sally Radford Byrne March 27, 2021 at 2:34 am - Reply

    My 11yrs 7mths grandson is in an ankle boot after chipping his ankle bone (falling jumping off a wall and over a stream) – fracture clinic treating it as bad sprain/torn ligament, no cast – what physical exercise/activities can we do with him to have fun/keep him busy/aid his recovery and keep him off fortnite!

    • Sherif Elnaggar March 28, 2021 at 9:50 am - Reply

      Hello, unfortunately we are unable to give direct medical advice on this platform as it is illegal. We would suggest following the advice from the healthcare professional who is working with your grandson in-person as well as a physical therapist who can get him exercising safely. Best of luck to him and we wish him a speedy recovery!

  7. Dena Brown June 4, 2021 at 8:01 pm - Reply

    This website is great! I can't wait to start my recovery and PT . I am currently a few weeks post ORIF from a Trimalleolar fracture with dislocation. It's been really awful.

    • Sherif Elnaggar June 7, 2021 at 8:21 am - Reply

      Thank you so much Dena!!! We appreciate your positive comments. If you are looking for more content related to foot ankle rehab, we have several programs which may benefit you!! here is a link to our programs page!! Please reach out to us directly if you have further questions and we would be more than happy to help you in anyway!

  8. Ngozi Enunwa August 8, 2021 at 7:18 pm - Reply

    I'm glad I stumbled on this page while searching for answers to why my ankle feels great after stretching but gets tight again after about 15-30 minutes of sitting or no. activity. I I learned a couple exercises but my ankle still gets tight.
    I had ORIF 4 months ago and currently working working with a physical therapist. They tell me it's normal for my ankle to keep getting tight but it still worries me. I do all kinds of calf and dorsi flexion exercises.

    • Sherif Elnaggar August 13, 2021 at 4:00 am - Reply
  9. Samantha George September 5, 2021 at 8:28 am - Reply

    I had to hike over 12 miles on what I would've sworn was a really bad ankle sprain. Turns out it was a lateral malleolus fracture. So, I'd say I make it well over 4 steps ;) Excited to rehab this ankle and get back outside!

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