a papaya cut in half, intended to represent a vagina

(Motion-picture show: Getty)

We brought y'all some interesting descriptions of what it feels like to accept sex when you take a penis.

The jam doughnut comparing was a item favourite.

So we'd experience a bit silly if we didn't return the favour and get some straight women to describe penetrative sex from their perspective.

People with penises, this is the closest you're going to get to agreement what information technology's like to have sex when you accept a vagina… without actually getting a vagina.

Names take been changed, because not everyone wants to publicly share their vaginal feelings.

Permit's find out what it feels similar to take a penis in your vagina.

Heather, 24

'Start you lot feel pressure and then it feels warmer and warmer as the penis goes back and forth. You mainly experience fullness and warmth.'

Sammi, 20

'When I'm in the mood information technology does bring about a satisfaction dissimilar any other.

'If I'one thousand particularly horny and haven't had sex for ages it feels similar scratching an intense crawling that nothing else will satisfy. That said, it'due south not my favourite sexual act – I generally much prefer oral.'

Rebecca, 24

'It might sound obvious, just it's similar beingness filled up.

'Especially if you're turned on, your vagina feels like it won't exist okay if information technology doesn't go that filling sensation. A finger or will practice information technology sometimes, merely other times you just need to be stretched by a penis.'

Cara, 27

'I would say in that location's definitely a sense of euphoria once the D first goes in. In that location's an initial rush through your trunk. Definitely not as intense as an orgasm but nevertheless gets your claret pumping and your heart racing and sends shivers through your body.

'It's tingly and practiced sensitive effectually the outer vagina but inside I can't experience much D unless information technology'due south a monster cock that feels like it'south smashing into my tum or on a bad bending and so that's painful.'

a drawing of a woman with her legs and laptop open, hiding her vagina

(Motion picture: Ella Byworth/Metro.co.great britain)

Laura, 24

'It's like finally discovering the correct key for the door- unlocking the doorway to pleasure fourth dimension.'

Kim, 28

'If it's a incorrect or bad angle and likewise deep/difficult you feel similar your insides are being being stabbed.'

Natasha, 27

'It is one of my favourite feelings in the entire world.

'It feels like being slowly filled with something that creates an immense sense of pleasure, tingling, and a general practiced feeling.

'Information technology doesn't really matter the shape or size, but the sensation of a penis entering coupled with the weight of someone on acme of you is just amazing.'

Amy, 31

'It feels like a warm cucumber.'

Anne, 25

'I know they say size doesn't thing but honestly it does. As well large and yous're but hoping it will cease soon, too small and yous don't feel anything.'

Emma, 26

'With every peen there is a feeling of "fullness" to some degree, no matter what the size or girth…. only one size does not fit all, and if especially well endowed it can experience like they're going to vanquish/rip y'all, which tin can exist a mood killer.'

Sue, 29

'Like when yous've got fresh sheets on the bed, everything on your trunk has been waxed and yous just slip nether the sheets.

'It just feels like everything is right and how it should be.'

illustration of couple having sex

(Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.britain)

Emily, 25

'Information technology feels like a really good stretch. Like when your muscles are tense and you just accomplish out and feel things open up and release tension.

'So fullness. It'south weird to describe, because without sex activity my vagina definitely doesn't feelempty, but during sexual practice fullness is the primary awareness. It just feels like a warm stretch, like beingness total subsequently a squeamish repast and feeling your stomach aggrandize… but sexy.'

Harriet, 25

'Similar something sliding in that was always meant to be in that location.'

Kate, 23

'Essentially it does depend on a lot of things; the unfortunate truth is that size (and girth) does matter because ultimately you want it to "fit similar a glove" as that'due south the virtually comfortable and fulfilling, literally and in terms of pleasure!

'Simply too it depends on what motion is going on and where your pleasance points/Chiliad spot is every bit to the feeling you exit of it.

'The best experiences I'd describe as feeling "snug", perhaps fifty-fifty a bit of a squeeze to push your boundaries as it were, just the right amount of wetness without existence sloppy, and it feels right. Made to be. Tingly in a good way.

'In a bad experience information technology can exist painful, awkward, unsatisfying and frankly ho-hum. Hence, size and shape (and often your feelings towards the person) exercise thing to go the best fit and best sex, in my view.'

Miranda, 42

'Pretty much like an eel does.'

Tabitha, 31

'Feeling my partners penis inside me feels similar a sort of blossom opening and closing up around his penis, not like a venus fly trap simply more like a lotus flower, very powerful, embracing and relaxing

'The initial entrance sometimes doesn't always go as well due to the fact that my vagina may not be wet enough, this feels like a sort of puncture that sometimes feels like a slight jab.'

Sasha, 28

'How it feels depends a lot on size (pitiful guys) and how turned on y'all are. Generally you either feel actually "full" or a bit ermmm less so.

'If you're really turned on and there's tonnes of build up then you can get an actual achey feeling downwards there beforehand.

'If at that place's chemistry with the guy and they've been generous with the foreplay, it usually feels like a little commodities of electricity in your pelvis when they first fully enter.'

Georgia, 25

'It's like existence filled upwards with something that is hard and soft at the same time???

'There are a lot of ways it can feel but not getting into the politics of dick sizes, it's normally pretty dainty.'

Willow, 31

'When a guy is besides big it feels harrowing, similar a marrow trying to become into a keyhole. It's painful and feels stretched.

'On those rare occasions when they're the perfect size and y'all're totally synced, it feels like a key going into a lock and two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle slotting together. It just feels dainty.'

'I meant that physically.

'You know those water ophidian things? It feels like what I'd imagine putting i of those within yourself would feel like. A water snake in a carrier bag or wearing a glove, depending.'

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