Agents of Mayhem may not be a true Saints Row title, but the game certainly has the attention of the usual Saints fans. The new title from Volition and Deep Silvery definitely has its own cartoon-inspired aesthetic, simply very much lives in the bizarre earth established in the later Saints Row titles. The game isn't without its flaws, but it does manage to stand out from the existing franchise and create a brand new bandage of characters with original mechanics to explore and principal.

In Agents of Mayhem, players find themselves controlling a small team of Agents who, despite their vulgarity and bad habits, are the world's best hope against villains and mad scientists. Most missions allow players to hop in with a rotation of iii agents (though they only play one at a fourth dimension) who run, gun, and drive their mode through hordes of enemies and a never ending lineup of explosions.

The ability to rotate between Agents is ane of the game's nearly interesting and fun features. Each mission has multiple components, some of which might be better suited for a tank or a loftier DPS grapheme, while others might want a stealthy soldier or a jack of all trades. Entering each mission with a skillful variety of Agents and agreement when to swap them out is a challenge that remained engaging throughout the total campaign.


Players have the power to revive downed Agents if they find certain special items, but a lot of the time letting an Amanuensis'due south health drop downwardly to naught ways completing the bulk of the mission without them. This adds a layer of tension and difficulty that forces players to utilize strategy and plan out attacks, rather than run in guns blazing.

The game starts off with only three Agents available, just players can chop-chop unlock the rest of the roster past successfully completing each Agent's respective mission. The diversity of the Agents, in terms of both personality and abilities, is office of what makes Agents of Mayhem a game that is then easy to get lost in for hours on end. In addition to a unique set of weapons or abilities, each Agent also has their own level progression that players need to work through to power-up the character. Most players will likely discover a handful of Agents that they stick with, but leveling upward and outfitting every Amanuensis will offer hours of entertainment for completionists.

The game'due south leveling up and crafting systems are incredibly deep and make the end of every mission equally exciting as opening a loot crate. Players are constantly racking upwardly XP and picking upward items from bad guys, so the first few minutes after each quest are normally spent exploring new gadgets, spending power points, and deciding what to craft or buy next. This RPG aspect to the game provides an splendid carrot on a stick to keep players motivated to both complete as many missions as possible and to never go out a treasure breast behind.

Gamers who are used to twitchy, fast shooters will likely take a bit of a rough transition into the globe of Commotion. The aiming is slow and not very precise and will be a major adjustment for players coming over from the usual action-adventure sandboxes. Embracing the auto-aim functionality makes this a little less painful, but it all the same felt bad-mannered for the first four or 5 hours until we adapted to the game's way of movement and combat.


Vehicles, on the other manus, felt pretty responsive and were very convenient for traveling effectually the big map. Evidently, this isn't Forza or annihilation, only the machine missions were entertaining and provided a welcome palette cleanser between gun-heavy missions. Unlocking the long list of extra vehicles was also another fun goal to hunt.

Another mode that Agents of Commotion falls behind the other big budget sandbox adventure games is in terms of globe-building. The game's characters and items are over the top and very entertaining, but the setting itself, Seoul, tends to feel a footling generic. This may exist partially caused by the frequent load screens that are encountered while rushing from mission to mission with frequent visits to the main hub in between. For whatever reason, the globe of Agents never feels quite as realized or polished as those of Watch Dogs 2, GTA 5, or any of the contempo Assassinator's Creed games.

Despite these flaws, Agents of Mayhem truly does offer a unique and fresh spin on the Saints Row earth. By distancing itself from the main franchise's cadre characters and conflicts, the game is able to embrace its own aesthetic and create a new globe that is simply as weird and addicting equally the original.

Agents of Commotion is bachelor now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Game Rant was provided an Xbox One copy for this review.

Our Rating:

4 out of v (Excellent)

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